发布时间:2015-09-20 浏览次数:武汉世纪博园澳洲留学部回复:
Bachelor of Design 设计学学士
Bachelor of Design in Animation 动漫设计学士
Bachelor of Design in Architecture 建筑学学士
Bachelor of Design in Interior and Spatial Design 室内及空间设计学士
Bachelor of Design in Photography and Situated Media 摄影艺术以及多媒体展示艺术学士
Bachelor of Construction Project Management 建筑项目管理学士
Bachelor of Property Economics 房地产经纪学士
Master of Animation 动漫设计硕士
Master of Design 设计学硕士
Master of Architecture 建筑学硕士
Master of Advanced Architecture 高级建筑学硕士
Master of Planning 规划学硕士
Master of Project Management 项目管理硕士
Master of Property Development 房地产规划硕士